VIN Decoder - Check Your Vehicle Specifications

Decode your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to get detailed specifications about your car, including make, model, year, and manufacturing details. Our free VIN decoder uses official NHTSA data.

VIN Input

VIN Decoder Results

What is a VIN?

A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique 17-character alphanumeric code assigned to each vehicle at the time of manufacture. This single-line code excludes the letters Q, I, and O to avoid confusion with the numbers 0 and 1. Each section of the VIN reveals specific details about the vehicle, such as the make, model, engine size, manufacturing country, production facility, and model year. Essentially, the VIN acts as a comprehensive blueprint of your vehicle's identity, providing a quick reference to its essential features and history.

VIN Decoder
Understanding your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) components.

Where can I find my VIN?

On most passenger cars, the VIN is located on the driver's side of the dashboard—best viewed from outside through the windshield. You can also find it on the driver's side door pillar; simply open the door and check around the latch area. On motorcycles, the VIN is usually positioned on the steering neck below the handlebars, although it may occasionally be printed on the engine or nearby frame. For semitrailers, look for the VIN on the front left side. Additionally, you can always locate the VIN on your vehicle's title or liability insurance documents.

VIN Decoder
Common locations of Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs).

Why decode a VIN?

By decoding your vehicle's VIN, you can access detailed information about its make, model, year, engine type, transmission type, and manufacturing details. The VIN decoder tool on this page utilizes official data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to provide accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. Learn more about VINs on the NHTSA website.